If anyone wants to join a small group discussion today about your papers, and about metaphors in general, please join us on Zoom in the usual place and time.
If you wish to work independently today, you are free to do so.
The following is what is due for your Metaphor Paper.
September 28th by midday: find two sources, take screen shot of sources (from two of the following: library source, topics section reading, everyday life)
September 29th by midday: write an outline or proposal for your Metaphor Paper (Proposal can be as simple as a description of how you will compare your two metaphors. If you write an outline it can be as rough or as finished as you wish.)
October 5th by midday write a rough draft of your Metaphor Paper, share in your Accountability Group and with me. Your rough draft can be as rough or as polished as you wish.
Annotated Bibliography is due by 11:59 p.m. also on October 5th.
October 7th by midday respond to the members of your Accountability Group
October 14th final draft due by 11:59 pm. The due date for the final draft may be extended.
See you in class,